Monday, July 27, 2009

1st Scorch Atlas Review

The first review of Scorch Atlas is in, and could not be more kind. Comparisons to DFW and Lynch? Yes please.

An excerpt: "The pervading oddities and grotesqueries bring to mind the fiction of Brian Evenson or the filmic work of Harmony Korine or David Lynch. Still, nothing is done solely for the squeamish factor, rather, things are what they are in this twisted world and throughout, the people that inhabit Butler's stories still grope for their humanity. They fight for their homes. Their schools. Their blood lines."


"In the same way that Infinite Jest, written thirteen years ago, presupposed communication being fragmented via technology, in particular, the internet, Scorch Atlas presupposes a bleak, dystopian future (although let's hope it's farther off than thirteen years from now) where people bloat and grime, the world is a cracked shell of its former self and families do what they must to eke out an existence."

Read in full: 'Scorch Atlas Does Not Bode Well for Us' @ Keyhole

Big big thanks to Gene Kwak.

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