Other people did this too, Sandy Florian, Amy King, etc, which you can see, and get more info about the book on, at Christian's blog.
Matthew Savoca's ebook TOUGH! is out from Happy Cobra Books, I drew the picture that is on page 5, there are lots of drawings and good funny poems about being tough. I like Matthew Savoca.

The Spring 2009 issue of Lake Effect is out, my story 'Damage Claim Questionnaire' from Scorch Atlas is in it, it also has brethren Keith Montesano, we are sharing the paper, it has Tony Hoagland, Michael Czyzniejewski, Joshua Ware, and a lot of other people.
The Scorch Atlas remix contest is rocking along, some really amazing entries so far, I have no idea how I will judge this, there is still a little more than a month to send entries.
I am about to gear up, I think, into sending books out, I have 3 novels, a collection of list essays, all just sitting around, maybe at a couple places each, collab filth book with Sean is almost done, I need to try to focus on sending them around and looking around, I have been lazy, I feel I am maybe going to enter into the production/submission mind I used in 2007, if I can rope it, I am trying to be ready.
I am so behind on some things, trying to catch up, if you are waiting on something from me, sorry, *way behind*
What on earth made me think that the Watchmen movie would be good? I mean really, most ill-conceived ending to a movie of all time? It was up there. The comic book adaptation craze really needs to die. Add that 300 director dude to the death march list with Kevin Smith and Judd Apatow. I knew that already. I have too much faith sometimes.
Oh, stoners.
If you are in Atlanta, come out tomorrow at 7:00 to see Rauan Klassnik and Justin Taylor read for Solar Anus! At Beep Beep Gallery on Ponce.
the fire is in you again
Looking forward to new shit.
The first joint pub we're in. Let's hope it won't be the last, my friend. I have a feeling it won't be.
Plus your piece fucking rules.
That should be the new title of your book...
Did you actually get your physical copy (or copies?) yet? Looking forward to mine when it arrives.
I got into two more schools. Not sure about their offers though. I'll shoot you an email.
keith, si senor i got them, they look nice nice. congrats on yr schoolingses, yes please email me :)
rock the cashbah (sp?)
luv +++++++ (sp?)
you should do more video readings.
your reading of words destroys others.
hi jereme, ty, that is nice to hear :)
spank it
Dude, you are anything but lazy.
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