2/3rd done with Baker's 'Human Smoke,' I've never been so engrossed by historical texts before, it is an incredible work, like he took all the good parts out of 150 other WW2 books and put them in order. Amazing. I think I am finally going to have to read his 'Double Fold' now, soon.
We are watching the first season of Dexter over here, it is pretty ok; on the other hand, 'The Fall,' by that dude who did 'The Cell,' was a turd bath, like bad Peter Greenaway written by M. Night Shyamalan. There are things worth destroying.
My story 'Bath or Mud or Reclamation or Way In/Way Out,' which originally appeared in Avery Anthology, is reprinted in the new issue of Proximity as an insert: beautiful magazine, do a peek to it n whatnot.
Just saw final cover version, back and all, for Scorch Atlas: jesus, Zach Dodson is the captain of magic. Seriously, I can't wait for people to see what he has done with it. More than I ever thought it could be.
People talking about Lost makes me wake up inside a urinal cake.
Exercise rooms are strange when there is no one in them.
Ahh goddamnit I've said it before but I can't wait for this film: Gaspar Noe's 'Enter the Void':
alright. inland empire was good. at times i was terrified. twice. once when the other laura dern was walking towards laura dern and her face was all weird and she was walking while more like swinging her self along quickly and it was terrifying. the other was that cheezy effects shot of the guy's face after he got shot. the aphex twin shot. whatever. started that movie at 1230. am still exhausted. dexter is good. or; i like it. watch deadwood. it's great.
IE gets better with each watch
I don't know, man. I hated the Cell but I was really sucked into the Fall. I got all weepy and shit, and thought I understood story better and shit. Maybe I was emotionally unbalanced that day. But whatever. I'm not too sure on the connection between the Fall and Greeenaway?
Greenaway feels fascist to me. Controlled to a fault. Which is what the Fall was going against, in my mind. But I loved Belly of the Architect and the Draughtsman's Contract.
my birthday is may 22nd.
for my birthday i would like video of blake and/or sam reading at Hobart.
please do not disappoint me like every other person throughout the history of my birthday.
on a lighter note, i identify with the Dexter character a lot. The way he describes his emotions is very similar to how i feel.
the second season isn't as good.
oh and i would prefer it if blake was really fucking drunk.
better readings when alcohol is involved.
They blew up The Island with a neutron bomb.
Damn. Enter the Void. Damn.
i like greenaway's fascism i think, it might be what makes it for me: very stylized.
i think thats what made me connect him to the fall, over stylization, but then without much substance: i thought the story was boring and felt no connection to the characters despite their wanting me to connect... i also didn't think the visuals were as great as the cell...
i will try to make a video. and be very drunk. things will happen
Blake, do you know about this?
Man oh man. Wish list expansion.
lost was beautiful in that it went from a simple robinson crusoe modernist-type tale to a time-travel kurt vonnegut type tale and now things are all twisted and people are taking over other people's bodies and lovers are blowing up in atom bombs and people are loving and dying and firing rifles at strangers and little girls are coveted by strange long-haired weirdos and it's great to imagine that no love-stories work because so far none have in lost. so lost is totally interesting in a weird open way.
I might see what I can do about that. Oh wait I missed it. That is what I do.
re: dexter season 2
fire & titties
Scorch Atlas looks so good I want to eat it.
i miss things all the time too peter, it's hard
thanks anthony :)
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