Keyhole just launched their new website, it will now run online content to accompany the excellent print leg, the debut site has a new interview I did with Tao Lin about COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY, another interview with William Walsh, new fiction by Kim Chinquee and Thomas Cooper, and more. Plus the site just looks really nice. They are accepting submissions of all kinds of writing for it, go look. The site is beautiful and will be a great place for new words.
Michael Kimball wrote my life story on a postcard. Michael is probably one of the easiest people to talk to I've met in years. Not to mention one of the coolest, and with a sweet tooth to battle my own. This postcard project is pretty insane, the text all really came to my house on a postcard handwritten very small, I don't know how he does it.
My review of his absolutely amazing and form bending novel DEAR EVERYBODY is forthcoming, but let me just say you don't need to wait for me to say so: this book is new, unusual, compelling, fun to read, and unlike most any other, you should go ahead and preorder.
Today I got THE BATTLEFIELD WHERE THE MOON SAYS I LOVE YOU by Frank Stanford in the mail, I had meant to order and finish reading beyond the little bits I'd read before for quite some time now, Peter Markus's encouragement that he carries it everywhere with him when he is reading it "and he often does" pushed me over the edge, and now I am just sitting here staring at what a beautiful book and words.

If you have some extra money, even a couple bucks, consider donating to Peter's Inside Out Literary Arts Project, which sends writers in to teach writing to K-12 students in Detroit, they are having a fundraiser where donations will be matched I think if they reach $25k, you can't ask for a much better cause.
Too much good to read now, things are good.
Approved proofs of NO COLONY issue 1 yesterday, planning to arrive in NYC early next Friday afternoon for Launch Party at Barbes, excited, please come.
Other things are brewing.
- - -
The next issue of Lamination Colony, I am making, I need favors from people who look at this blog, I am going to ask you to do it and then you can decide if you want to do.
I would like people to send me headshots, close up shots, you should not have clothes on, though it doesnt not have to be apparent in the shot that you don't have clothes on, except your shoulders should not have clothes on them.
You are welcome to also send more photos in the same series, I may also use them with it.
The background can be anything, but mostly I just want the face close up.
It should be in a high enough resolution that it can be used for something. If you use the default on your camera don't shrink it, just crop it clean and send to me, or don't crop it, I can crop things, I know about cropping.
Please mail these not to my personal address but to laminationcolony [at] gmail [dot] com
Conflagrationary City
this sounds groovy.
this new site is going to happen tomorrow I think. maybe it will work.
i decided i am not going to watch pineapple express, i can just tickle myself and look at the wall
first book blurb to ever include the word "smegma."
only the best for my dog
purina shit
you're missing out, my man, but aw wizzell...
pot humor gets my panties in a wad is all
plus, anything with judd apatow's name on it should be smeared from the earth with a shitcovered hand
fuck that guy, seriously
i must've missed an apatow related memo. fuck me.
i got the ball rolling:
A person reading Frank Stanford.
From Forrest Gander's Youtube account.
fucking awesome
it's all good. you ain't the only apatow hater.
when the hell is that crispin glover thing again?
end o dis month :) :)
the jaguar uprising has much respect for frank stanford.
we met on the battlefield where the moon says i love you.
ttb is going to destroy the world.
ttb and the industry have changed.
the world is different now.
ttb, i am glad you didnt say mystic that time, i believe you that you've changed
ttb, if you are in nyc next weekend you should come out to the reading, i think someone said you are going to nyc, i will drink a margarita and go to the mat
blake was required to use the word or phrase
"smegma" "anilingus" "bleeding ulcer" or "vomiting semen"
actually his blurb is just a mad lib.
that shitz go'n b craz e
the asian serge gainsbourg
TTB is going to NYC this weekend.
He is spending two days at the dentist right before next weekend.
Come to Northampton to see TTB's new dentures.
Will people read this comment and wonder why I know these things?
I like that Forrest Gander has a Youtube channel.
I REALLY like that Joe Wenderoth has one.
ttb once game me a mystic handjob while his eagles flapped their wings against my balls.
me > ttb
but the rest of the JUP is cool
sorry, i should proofread when i talk shit.
And I like your postcard.
Cella's flash fiction editor awaits your fucking submission...
dont even front like you know about cropping
sean, something to find i willz
brandon, crop dat coochie
ah, to read the battlefield with fresh eyes... I envy you. If you can hack your way into our storage unit in Albuquerque you can feast your eyes on the first edition. I almost brought it to Kenya but didn't want to risk losing it.
derek, yes, yesterday i learned the sleeping fish secret
Thank you for turning me on to Frank Stanford! I'd never heard of him. Also subscribing to you blog. Wonderful stuff!
Elevate the Ordinary
hi brad, ty, hello, yes the stanford is already crushing me, nice blog
Battlefield ordered. I've spent all afternoon not working and it's because of your site. Thank you, again. Here I was listening to people tell me to pare it down, tone in down, cull that bright word out, while I, cause I don't know anything, say of course. Then I stumble into this and read the type of language that invigorates. Perhaps not all fiction has become homogenized after all.
I'm a naive hillbilly, living on a dirt road and I'm sorry to gush like a little girl--no, I'm not sorry. Nevermind that. I am excited about what I'm discovering here. It shouldn't be held back. I just had no idea that works like this were out here.
brad, that's probably the best comment i've ever gotten. thank you.
do what's in your head.
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