In gearing up for the release of my book SCORCH ATLAS from
Featherproof on 09/09/09, we've drummed up a strange and I think awesome and fun promo: the Scorch Atlas remix contest. Basically, we're asking anyone and everyone to download a piece from the book, 'Tour of the Drowned Neighborhood,' in its .doc form, and do whatever you want to it. Scramble it, eat it death, insert a whole other line of story, insert pictures of your mother's anus, throw up into a file and mail it, insert characters, insert symbolist logic, insert fun, eat characters, insert sentences from anywhere, write a whole new story out of the title alone, or one sentence alone, or one word, make it into a nice calm piece about an expatriate who is obsessed with John Irving and loves backrubs, etc. Anything. All ideas are go.

Two winning entries, chosen by myself, will be published in SCORCH ATLAS
Remixed, which will be published as an ebook and available on the Featherproof site. The stories will appear alongside some wild other contributions from some very exciting and powerful writers (who will remain a surprise for now, but if it works out as we're hoping, dang), so you will be in good company, etc.
The contest is free to enter, and the two winners will receive publication, plus copies of the actual SCORCH ATLAS. The first place winner will also receive a two year subscription to
Paper Egg Books (which equates to four books over those 2 years = awesome).
You can enter as many remixes of 'Tour' as you like, under any title, any word length, etc. It is a fairly open and ambient story, so the gates are guns. Do some wildness. Have some fun. I'm really excited to see what mangling and electrifying can be made. Deadline is May 1.
For full info on the contest, plus where to send your entry electronically, and to download the file containing the text you are to rape, visit the
Featherproof contest announcement.
Thank you for doing the listen to me.
i'm going to do this all over myself
yes please yes
I'm going to do this for fun. If it's really good don't pick me first place, though. I already have a subscription to Paper Egg.
Someone should end every sentence with "in bed."
I end every sentence with with a goat. Awesome cover.
this is the greatest idea i've seen ever. i'm doing it for fun, too. i hope i will feel like blake butler for awhile. nice work, blake. can't wait for SA. you are going to be a figurehead and will someday have the opportunity to urinate on a poster-sized photo of andre breton.
yes, that cover is perfection.
i saw ken baumann on tv.
Blake, you're everywhere!
please yes please
this is going to be a fun exercise
josh you are blowing my cover :)
hi blake i haven't said hi to you in awhile. i am going to read EVER soon. are people still reading that?
i feel afraid, yet motivated
hi friends hi
peter, wueil
This contest is the cat's pajamas.
Brilliant idea! My remix gloves are lined with pleasure stimulators.
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