Sweet, i just read this one last night before I went to sleep and then now the realization. This is pretty much how I imagined it though I didn't know it.
And what the hell is the music in the background? I'm so sick of fucking asking that question all the time. Can you please stop being a dick and just let us -- or at least me -- know, so I can stop asking. I hate ??????????
really really really good.
thanks shane :)
Sweet, i just read this one last night before I went to sleep and then now the realization. This is pretty much how I imagined it though I didn't know it.
damnit i don't have my scorch yet yankers
also, this video is excellent, blake. like, really good. move to l.a.
thanks derek
ken, yrs is in the to go bin, waiting for me to go to p.o., probably tomorrow :) glad you dig the vid. one day i will move somewhere
Jesus H.
So fucking good.
And what the hell is the music in the background? I'm so sick of fucking asking that question all the time. Can you please stop being a dick and just let us -- or at least me -- know, so I can stop asking. I hate ??????????
P.S. Where the H is my copy?
thanks yalls
music is several things layered at various points
main track is brian eno
then there's sunn o))), c spencer yeh, fantomas
n shit
shoot me yr new address dude
i liked the video
hot damn butler
This video makes me want to become a worse man than I already am.
thanks yalls
Very cool. Very exciting. Very much on my to-do-list.
i think you could have done better
i dunno i wanted to say something positive but feel like a sycophant.
(that's money and pussy)
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