Shit, libraries are cool, it's like candy store when it hits you, in the library right now at Emory, gotsded:
Nicholson Baker, The Anthologist
Joseph Cornell's Dreams edited by Cathering Corman
Deleuze, Difference and Repetition
James Merrill, The Changing Light at Sandover
libraries are the old new Napster
it's like America in a can
refound on blog where I kept track of the writing of the novel that will come out next year
day 1 is at the bottom up to day 10 in the end
necklaces and dogs
america is a planted
that was fun to reread, 1-10
scroll down past 1 and i think every single post before that is punctuated with an evil image i sent you :)
need to start that up again, my god where have i been
i was "helping" (have no photoshop acumen) my friend brandon make this flier and we were like, "we have to give gordon some money, gordon needs some money."
it was sick and rad.
That flyer is fireworks. Bring people closer to it. Their smiles will go to the hairline.
Library work is such a pleasure. You sink into the stacks, find the book you were seeking, often in some revivifying new cover. Then around it are all these neighbors, addressing the same subject somehow yet in a scintillating unmatched chorus.
i got a friend who went to the new college who is alerting her friends in the area to the talk. you need to walk into that shit with shades and big chain dangling.
wordlifes friends
thanks gene, you are fire
gene, if those people need a place to stay or something, let me know
My brother is a librarian and a hipster.
That flier will bring them like moths to chrome.
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