Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August Lamination Colony

new update for LAMINATION COLONY is now live, featuring art by IRA JOEL HABER and a short text by JOEL JAMES DAVIS. more joels for your buck.

if you have a short piece you'd like to submit, we're always looking. send to laminationcolony [at] gmail [dot] com

the guidelines on the site are really old.

we basically just like weird surrealist retarded fucked shit.


right now i am rereading RUBICON BEACH by Steve Erickson. it'd been a few years but reading ZEROVILLE made me go back.

god damn that guy is good.


Tao Lin said...

i liked joel harber

Jason Jordan said...

I sent LC a piece back in May. Did you happen to receive it? If not, I can resend.


hey jason:
we have a long backlog still. and we're kind of sporadic in reading cycles. i'm sure we have it and someone will read and get back to you in hopefully not too long..

Jason Jordan said...

That's cool. Just wanted to make sure you got it. Thanks!

SarahJane said...

glad to see that up.
will be back to read.
i liked the artwork, too. ira joel harber did the artwork for dmq review last year sometime, which was good, too.