More info on ordering and blurbisms and other potential things should be forthcoming soon. If you are with a nice place that might run a review please drop me a line. If you would be so kind as to be interested in doing interviews to promote the book when it comes out, please drop me a line. It might be nice to arrange some things in advance for when it comes out. It would mean a lot to me.
Here is one of 3 blurbs that will appear on the back of the book:
Blake Butler is a daring invigorator of the literary sentence, and the room-ridden narrator of his debut novella, EVER, nerves her way into a hallucinative ruckus of rousing originality. - Gary Lutz
Anyhow, one of the things that is missing from Derek's post is an incredible video trailer he made to go with the book, which is hiding in the crud storm of African internets. Because his will blow mine out of the teeth, here is a promo video I made in response to his response to me, severely crippled as duh by YouTube, but still. It looks better if you look at it larger via the direct link but here it is as well:
Thanks for watching. Watch the Calamari Press site or here for ordering info, some more specs, info and etc.
** UPDATE ** A second video trailer for EVER is now live at Derek's blog.
killer cover
And a Lutz blurb! That's awesome.
Happy Thanksgiving, first off.
That cover's friggin incredible, second off.
Looking forward to it, third off.
Happy Massacre-of-the-Natives day.
Your cover is resplendent in the highest degree.
I am eager to get a copy and read it and then write a critical paper about your poetics or perhaps your use of simile or perhaps your approach to ontological indifference in the age of post-postmodernism, which I will publish in a scholarly journal.
I just chugged coffee during the entire duration of the video. My brain has split itself quickly like a civil war no one knew was happening. The cover is wonderful.
Dude, this cover is fucking gorgeous. Next year can't come soon enough. Is it just me or does next year promise an abnormal amount of incredible books? People should name the ones their excited about somewhere in a big list. Happy Thanksgiving!
all props go to derek on the bitchin cover. he is the man.
thanks everybody
good idea, matt, i am super excited about robert lopez's kamby bolongo mean river. it's going to be fucking huge.
happy the thanksgiving as wells to all.
chris that would rule.
damn son.
that cover is badass.
Blake, I can do an interview with you. Let me know if you're interested. I'll throw you in the no spin zone.
It'll be on a myspace (I know, I know) that is frequented fairly regularly. I've been thinking about doing something literary with it.
Props go to Comp USA, that's where the photo was taken. Some crapped out monitor they were selling when they went out of business.
I just had turkey and it was dry and sucky, and I'll probably get salmonella from it instead of a tryptophan high. And there was no football. I miss America today. Some fucking brit brought bread pudding. And there was some wise ass on leave from Baghdad. And my better half is still in Malawi. It just wasn't the same. And the video I made still hasn't uploaded because somebody broke the internet here. I feel like crying. But the book is good and everyone should read it to their children and their children.
brian that sounds good good email me up!
thanx and thanx
derek, you should savor that bread pudding. bread pudding is capital
The video was absolutely incredible. David Lynch couldn't have had a more interesting nightmare. Now, I want the book.
thank jon i am really glad you liked
Congratulations, Blake. I'm looking forward to reading it. Derek is so damn good at making such cool books. It looks great.
I finally managed to poop the video through my peehole
Now I need to see about willing the actual book files through the ether so they can print it.
Fuck bread pudding. It's about as pointless as Mumbai.
thank you brandon and ryan
nice derek, i like the final version muchly. bras bras bras
i like the cover, it looks powerful and modern
What's the music in the background of your trailer?
I want to get it, whatever it is.
That trailer rules too.
All of it.
it is fennesz 'a year in a minute'
one of my favorite musics ever.
thanks keith
It sounded like Fennesz... or almost Stars of the Lid w/ some fuzz and glitch.
Time to rock the track.
tao i feel that too, good, ty
It's nice to see the art of making promotional videos for books becoming an art in and of itself. Everything looks genius. Looking forward to reading it.
ty darby
i knew you were great. holy shit i want the entire novella on audio read with that voice effect.
that video is powerful like pure pomegranate juice sputter colon
good job derek. seriously.
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