Monday, March 16, 2009

The Copy Family

HarperPerennial recently launched 52 Stories, publishing one story a week all year. This week they are running my 'The Copy Family' which is an excerpt from the beginning of the novel I wrote in 10 days last year, WHERE AM I WHERE HAVE I BEEN WHERE ARE YOU. Check it out: The Copy Family.

Here is a wonderful behind the scenes short about Gaspar Noe's editing of IRREVERSIBLE, one of the most wonderful capturings of space and aura ever **violence warning** **I just said wonderful twice**:

I like coffee and poker.

I am about to reread Johannes Goransson's Aase Berg translation 'With Deer' out now from Black Ocean, which feels like standing in a flesh cabinet breathing dirty sugar.


Molly Gaudry said...

The Copy Family -- super cool. Congrats!

Jamie Iredell said...

"With Deer" is da shit. Fucked in all ways. You'll like.


ty molly

jamie, yes, the second read is doing me even better. too good.

Keith Montesano said...

I've never seen this making-of.

I'll watch it later.

That movie's so insane and incredible and both combined.


seriously. can't wait for his new one supposedly this year? about the egyptian book of the dead. he is tops.

Ken Baumann said...

1. Very cool with Harper.
2. I haven't seen any Noe stuff, wow, what am I thinking. Added everything to Netflix.


oh man. both of his released full lengths are so incredible: two of my favorites ever. do it do it

Pet & Gone said...

I just read the copy family. It's Great.

Please don't read that in your head in a tony the tiger voice. I mean it to be read in a regular sort of voice.


ha thank you brandi. once you said it, that's what it was. but i like frosted flakes. so that works good. ;)

John Dermot Woods said...

Cal Morgan compares your story to The Blot. Have you read it? It this sweet and kind looking book that Tom Neely published himself to his exacting specifications. It crushes you as you read it. More people need to read it.

Jac Jemc said...

Congratulations! What an awesome project for Harper Perennial to put together and how smart of them to choose you. I mean, duhhhhhh.


hi john, after he mentioned it i looked it up and now i am all about buying. it looks amazing. will report on it when i have read

thanks jac! hi jac!

Anonymous said...

"The Copy Family" is probably my favorite thing of yours I've read so far. It reminds me of being trapped in a department store in the middle of the woods, or like a fucking mall from the seventies or something, with lots of mosquitoes, and too much green and brown, and like a heavy, soupy heat, and everything sticks to everything else. And there's this thick, translucent film over everything. And mannequin eyes. It made me feel dirty.


dang, thanks Michael: that is a tall mood order, and wonderful that you would say...

Mike Young said...

Also I really liked the Willa Cather story on 52.

Molly Gaudry said...

Anonymous said...

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