Thursday, October 4, 2007

Lamination Colony got a small face lift and a new url:

There is also a new group of work. Prose from Dave De Fina, Jimmy Chen and Benjamin Buchholz. Other text from Juliet Cook and Brandon Scott Gorrell.

I like this issue. I am excited about it. I am glad to have a real URL. I don't know why I didn't before. I already had web space, so it only cost me $6 through

Read and share and encourage yourself and your friends to submit, please. I'm trying to do this more regularly.

On another note, 3:am published a cool poem by Zachary German about posting shit on craiglist. I always wanted to do that. I like the poem.


Anonymous said...

lamination colony is hot.

jereme said...


It may be my browser or it may be your web page but the author bios are not formatting correctly on the page of fiction.

The bios are laywered over the text of the story writing.

Is any one else having this issue?

If they are, you might want to let Gene know.

Jason Jordan said...

Submitted another story to LC. Let's hope for the best.