Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lamination Colony, Nov. '07

Our newest update is now live at LAMINATIONCOLONY.COM.

It features fiction from Andrea Fitzpatrick, Shane Jones and Gene Morgan, as well as poetry or other by Mike Young, Ofelia Hunt and Sean Lovelace.

There is also a brief feature in which each contributor was asked to submit a list of the last 3 books they read and liked, as well as 3 items they own that they would select to take with them if they were going to be sealed in a small box.

It is a really great issue with some incredible work by incredible writers.

Please enjoy.


sam pink said...

looked at. felt good. ate a carrot while doing so. enjoyed carrot and reading. thank you for accounting for a period of my life most likely spent on madlibs otherwise.

Tao Lin said...

that is a nice feature, nice issue also, nice photo of the blue box, it's pretty

Anonymous said...

i enjoy this issue. good job everyone.

Josh Maday said...

Indeed, an excellent issue. Good work.


glad ya'lls like it. xox

brandon said...

i read the list of authors and felt really excited

i will read it soon