It is very short and random, more a moment than a 'scene,' and fairly unlike most of the novel (ie: this one and this one) though all of the novel's many little sections are pretty different from one another, while still remaining somewhat narrative I think. Somewhat.

I am reading the Dalkey Archive rerelease version of Stanley Crawford's THE LOG OF THE S.S. THE MRS. UNGUENTINE and so far it is one of the most unexpected and refreshing things I have read in a long time. I mean it is goddamn amazing.
It has a new afterword by Ben Marcus.
I wonder if Ben Marcus has a new book somewhere forthcoming?
I wonder if I could get Ben Marcus to blurb EVER? I think I am also going to try to dig up David Markson.
I think too much.
Bookslut gave me a shoutout.
Lily Hoang's THE WOMAN DOWN THE HALL will debut later today or tomorrow, depending on certain things.
Time to begin writing something new so I can shut up some.
I like Pequin's design.
I think you need to stop being a bitch and do a 5-day novel. 10 days is just such a gimme.
He's gotcha there, Blake. Ten day novel. Who the heck can't do that?
Oh, fuck. I really need to write a ten day novel, don't I?
Also. The books arrived. I've been wanting to read the Galchen. Thanks for the hook-up.
you're very right. it's going on my schedule. soon. no kidding.
glad you got the books, matthew, let me know what you think when you are done, i would like to discuss
matthew, strap it on and write a ten day fucker, it will make your dick shorter but you'll have clean teeth
is that book available at borders? for some reason, their online store doesn't list that book for order on the net.
how did you get a copy of that book?
happy, try turning on the tv, maybe its in there
i aint got no tv cuz my ass aint got no job cuz some dude in india took it.
can you send me a free tv? i like rabbit ears. is you really a butler? fuck that shit man
TTB is the best.
tv tv $
ttb, hm.
your excerpt at pequin makes me feel excited about pequin. and about your book.
I once tried that 3 day novel challenge. It's sorta bullshit because they only ask for 100 double spaced pages. So more like a 3 day novella challenge.
I reached my word goal on the first day. I woke up on the second day. I did not feel like working on it anymore.
I think I'm going to try again, whenever. Not on the official date. I'll work with an outline this time though.
that crawford book is magic. when i worked at borders i ordered a used copy in just to read because it was like fifty bucks. i only got to the second chapter or so because someone stole it from my work desk.
The sons book is truly great I must say. I would love to read Pat Sajak's notes on the edits.
ah, so good. WHERE AM I destroyed my mind and reoriented me. fucked me up in a good way. it is one of my favorite books, easily. i wish i had written it.
thanks brandi, that made me smile.
bradley, organized writing challenges make me crosseyed. you should just do it when you feel like it.
shane, you should get one of the new ones, man it is so beyond, and seems right up your alley.
matt, pat sajak has edited many literary icons into greatness including g.f. beenum, clary beckinridge, and jose saramago.
josh, you flatter me, but i like it. :)
hah i figured if anybody would connect the goddamn dots it would be you matthew
TTB is a former writer for Flipside Magazine. Or, perhaps, the child of a former Flipside Magazine writer.
This has now been settled.
somebody send somebody an ultimatum
and god weeps because he got the 'girl' toy in his mcdonald's happy meal
fucking barbie
I know TTB's real name. I am not supposed to reveal it.
isn't it jonathan taylor thomas?
No, it is not Jonathan Taylor Thomas.
i always thought ttb's real name was 'my bitch'
he always asks me to call him that at least
i know the name, i found it in my overcoat
coffee is mega evil but also somethin
i'm done with coffee for good.
i'd rather have a diet dew.
i did get some VOJO mints though.
they're supposed to have some good stuff going on.
the asian jonathan taylor thomas
Shithook a brother up! Where I'm writing from is wicked crazy.
i can only imagine..
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