Ryan Call sent me KISSED BY by Alexandra Chasin, which seems to have come like a key into a room at a perfect time in this time of Massive Heat.
At 4:50 pm today there are 22,698 words. Didn't crunch as many numbers today due to last night in the bath I figured out something important about the novel and its beginning and went back to adjust some things about the beginning and add on in certain places and delete/reword a couple key graphs. Then and this afternoon I finished what is now PART ONE of the novel. I will take a short breath tonight and maybe into tomorrow and then return at the door to PART TWO. There will be two parts and a brief introduction and maybe an appendix.
Sharon Tate and Krissy Taylor are in the book now. As is a girl who can see through other people's computer screens from her computer. As is a woman named Ribbit, Shawna, Santa, Ricky, Rick, Sandwich or Blake.
** Please read
. I would like that. It is different than most things I have written but I think in several ways connected to novel.I am very fucking tired.
stay healthy, enjoy your breath
22K is pretty incredible for five days. You've inspired me to try to put more effort into my own shit.
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