In related news, my loft is supposedly going to be ready for me to move back into finally on July 4th. It's been 4 months now. We'll see if that date holds true.
KIM CHINQUEE gave props to Publishing Genius and my chapbook. Thank you Kim!
Recently, JEREMY JAMES THOMPSON asked me to annotate a poem by CHARLES BERNSTEIN for a broadside of his poem 'Every True Religion is Bound to Fail,' which was then presented at a reading by Bernstein for the Center for Book Arts Broadside Reading Series. It was also annotated by William Moor, Walter K. Lew, Dillon Westbrook & J.D. Mitchell-Lumsden, and Jeremy hand created a series of 150 numbered, autographed and absolutely beautiful broadsides, in which I appear printed in hot pink.

In the annotations I managed to discuss Orel Hershiser's productive pregnancy-making, Three Six Mafia pancake breakfasts, jacking off in the Georgia Tech library bathroom and other ridiculousness. Thank you Jeremy for inviting me in to such an awesome project.
I want to learn to hand-print things now but I imagine I feel lazy.
Right now reading ATMOSPHERIC DISTURBANCES by Rivka Galchen and I think enjoying it and also reading IT WAS LIKE MY TRYING TO HAVE A TENDER-HEARTED NATURE by Diane Williams and feeling in a melting room or something, which is awesome.
I am going to continue creating this thing to entertain my hard drive now.
This 'novella' or maybe 'novel' thing I am working on, maybe titled HOW MANY FLOORS DOES THE NIGHTMARE HAVE?, it is becoming maybe ridiculous.
Here is a part of a random graph:
The woman had a long black metal chain that ran out from her vulva. The chain led somewhere beyond the bathroom door. The woman continued with her fingers curling hair until her whole head was encased--her cheek skin slumped and slathered with bright white oil that clung to light underneath. Her tits had been removed. In the tub the father burped and nattered, trying to stand up. The nude woman’s neck was stacked with hickeys. Her spinal column seemed disrupted. Her ass, though--her ass had been on sticky paper, replicated through the years. The father nodded. He felt his back arch, his fat toes cracking as they cricked.
you would need a color laser, wax or phaser printer.
A normal inkjet printer would smear and run.
Congrats on that. I am not sure what a broadside is but I will look it up.
I guess this is why I should have gone to college?
yeah, i won't ever print things likely. but its neat. greying ghost and jeremy's printing makes me feel glad to look at things.
i dont know why its called a broadside either? i went to college
nice work, blake.
that graph is ridiculous. i really like it. good job.
thanks Blake.
thank you(s)
brian, surely
'burped and nattered'
i like that
thanks ryan
-ed words out the eyes
hey blake,
did i mention CUTTING DICKS OFF?
i wasn't sure.
ok, just to make sure
i cannot get this out of my head. thank you
Thank you Kim!
Blake: best blogpost title ever.
i went to school at suny buffalo and took a class with charles bernstein. it was really strange. he held class once a week in his office and drank a ton of coffee and just rambled about poetics. this was when buffalo had him, creeley, and susan howe.
adam :)
shane that sounds most excellent
So I've finally had the broadside scanned. This week I will make color adjustments & send you a nice copy.
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