The preorder price is $11 including shipping.
Also available on the site are two new publishing options we'd like to encourage you to consider.
For a measly $400 American dollars, the value of which decreases by the polar minute, you can buy your text into our magazine.
For $650 American dollars, you can buy your text into our magazine and be guaranteed a very special Pushcart nomination. We won't spill grease on the application.
Our dicks are very hard as we make this announcement.
This supplemental money will not be spent on the magazine but on cheese and organ donors and maybe like curtains or Windex or little babies.
Stories accepted in this way will be printed in pink text on black paper, to make them stand out just that much more.
Your fame is exponentially increasing, I can smell it.
We are not liars fucks or morons maybe.
Here is an image I started to use on the NO COLONY website but then did not.

I am also an organism.
Let sluts collide.
this is a winning strategy
we should sell no colony christmas wreaths with barry hannah and russel edson ornaments and ceramic erection ornaments
good job, i want to submit
i want to 'earn' my pushcart though
i hope rick moody doesn't buy all the available pushcart nominations
yes submit
we wannit
rick moody just bought 2 of 4 for a 10% discount, options are closing fast, we are in negotiations with thomas mcguane's agent
do contributors pay for an issue?
sam, no
she's workin it
i hope no one thinks i had to buy my way in now.
i just saw that (not a typo- but a winning brand) was available.
i am going to buy it and design it with actual pushcarts and i know from them.
i am glad that gena said something about the old woman's boobs because i stared at them for a long time and thought about sexual things and then i was glad to see someone else discuss the topic of the boobs so i wouldn't feel too intensely focused on the boobs.
daniel, you will not printed in pink on black paper, dont worry
minivan, blakebutter makes your toast taste inverted and sad
sam, old women still fuck
Actually the physique of a couple of them is pretty damn impressive for their age.
The old one with the big tits has a killer ab area if you look closely.
I am going to guess that this picture was taken at a lake in Arizona or Nevada. These creepy old naked fucks are every where up there.
boobs are super duper sexual in every way- none of that dopey bullshit.
i know from them because i breastfed until my kid could practically read. it is all part of the continuum.
plus, as a hag, i take offense to calling these here folks old. i have had older.
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