They were eating chocolate covered potato chips, which I can't remember ever trying and now I want.
I like & agree with this blog post by Shane Jones.
I got Derek White's new novel MARSUPIAL in the mail today and it may be one of the most beautiful looking book objects I've seen in a long while. BUY IT. It has moved to the top of my reading pile, ever growing. Here's like 1/3 of it, though next I think I want to reread Faulkner.

Also, if you haven't yet, check out MICHAEL KIMBALL WRITES YOUR LIFE STORY ON A POSTCARD, it's pretty insane.
Did anyone in NYC go to the NEW YORK TYRANT 4 release party? I want it.
i liked shane's post a lot too
Lopez went to the tyrant party. I was lame and didn't go. $10 covers scare me off, and I was busy selling furniture.
haha, I can post without being a blogspotter, though i guess it's better if I put my name
oh, and if anyone is reading this in NYC, get ye to the Sleepingfish launch party, it's in another hour or so...
i want to do a post that just links to all the other posts about that guardian post
i'm so happy to see a copy of thank you for being concerned and sensitive.
derek comments live, welcome anonymous allowances
fuck i want to go to sleepfish reading dick fuck i need to move
i am trying to remember the guardian? too many things around
matt, yes, i think i found that through you writing about it on the hobart blog maybe? i think something like that
Noy Holland was my writing professor last week.
Marsupial is a good word.
i like this post/want your books
no one does that
Put the Holland book at the top of your pile. "Orbit" will change your life.
brother, i have heard that about that story in particular. it is moved.
uh, oh, now we got a brother in on it.
The fish fest was fun. I'll post some vids manana.
KH Cantrill is trying to convince me to do an all-puppet issue next. I think Lamination Colony should be all about puppets, at least once.
aren't all stories about puppets? i have a tired child puppet that eats and eats
what is so good about that book?
I got Derek's Marupial as well. Just started reading it tonight. A great looking book.
I actually used that line, although in my words I said all writers are pupeteers. And Brandon knows I can open a can on Christopher Walken.
indeed he can.
what faulkner?
i think i'm gonna reread all of it. but starting with as i lay dying i believe. i'd forgotten how incredible he is. still getting ripped off everyday.
nice to see faulkner getting props. ripped off everyday indeed. i love me some faulkner. i've got The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom! and Light in August on the to be (re)read pile. As I Lay Dying is excellent. Vardaman is one crazy little dude:
I can feel where the fish was in the dust. It is cut up into pieces of not-fish now, not-blood on my hands and overalls. Then it wasn't so. It hadn't happened then. And now she is getting so far ahead I cannot catch her.
My mother is a fish.
thank you all for not acknowledging my existence. it is much appreciated.
i will google the book "orbit" and try to figure out why it is held in high regard.
what did you find out about ORBIT, jereme? this is the first i've heard of this book.
jereme, i didnt know either, i have heard though that when she'd read the story everyone would stay and listen to all 89 pages or something
i am readin git this week
josh i have not found anything pertinent so far
blake, ok that sounds interesting. let me know what you think after you read it. i am curious
thank you josh thank you blake for acknowledging my existence. i feel better
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