I started a new novel two days ago, it is called RICKY'S ANUS, it is about Ricky and his body parts and his mother and his mother's house. It is aggressive in tone and mostly of dream logic and nasty emo violence and it is probably already on the verge of if not completely unpublishable in a normative sense except by someone of grand vision, though it has narrative and is very sexy, I don't care. I am already having the most fun writing I have had in years writing this thing, making yourself laugh is good, for more than a week I had just been sitting staring at the keyboard wanting to throw up on it and now I am throwing up into it, but it feels like new throw up and anyway it is making my eyes bulge, RICKY'S ANUS is going to explode, I like to talk out loud to myself about RICKY'S ANUS, I feel good about it, it fulfills what Wallace was calling for in his essay THE NATURE OF THE FUN, to write from a place that you enjoy, because that is why you started writing in the first place, thank you brother Markus for reminding me to reread that essay.
It is a long way in the future, but I am going to be reading at the Quickies! reading series in Chicago on February 12 during AWP, with Peter Markus (thank you again P), Robert Lopez, Brian Evenson, Kim Chinquee, and Janet Desaulniers. I will wear my pee pants to that one, I will be crying in my under life before I get there and going apeshit in my banana yard as I pretend I have any business among all that wonder.
Looks like No Colony is going to have an AWP table split with NOO Journal and Publishing Genius, we are getting our dunk tank together and a couple of shorties to shred black metal riffs on pedestals behind our table, if not that then at least we will be loud and drunk and have something sickening happening, I suggested to Adam Robinson I dress up as Gordon Lish and sign books and Adam said he would dress up as Ray Carver and sign books and I could cross out his signature and make mine on top of it, regardless, we will have our Shenises on (have you seen this shenis?) and things will happen requiring great intestinal fortitude of our aisle mates, who will hopefully be the Paris Review and like Poetry magazine (does Poetry go to that shit, aren't they building a warhead)?
I really like this: Soak Up The Sun by Dmitry Yegorov on elimae.
When will Peter Berghoef have a book the size of my face, I want to read it, Peter B you are smart.
cool..I believe one of our editors is in there...Micah Ling
good post
DFW sounds like I would like him. I will read his essays. Some people write for poor reasons I think.
i already kind of miss 'bleak butler'
Stop by the Noo Genius Colony table for vegan faces all AWP long.
NOÖ Genius Colony sounds great.
really excited about new novel
Thank you for your submission to NOÖ Genius Colony, we regret to inform you...
another thaign
this just in:
ttb, the golden bear and bradley sands find themselves in the same place. at the very same time.
all about shorties
peter markus:
i just found out that are teaching at EMU this semester. i just finished up there last year. can i sit in on your workshop this semester? i'll ask christine. she won't mind. if so could you email me please. bgraham@emich.edu
sorry for doing this on your blog blake, but i just thought of it just now.
peter, yes, nice, i will read it
jereme, i am still bleak, just faking
adam, vegan faces mmmm
noo genius colony has a goiter
no one cares about ttb, he is a shod
for the shorties
Ricky's anus sounds like my kind of book. The Nature of Fun--yes, a great essay. When's the new No Colony due out?
I think you mean FAULTLINE and not ELLIPSIS...
HP looks nice though, eh? It's a good quality journal. They have their shit together.
Missed each other by an issue, but hopefully LAKE EFFECT will be in FULL EFFECT, MOTHEFUCKER.
That's the name of the journal I'm going to start: FULL EFFECT, MOTHERFUCKER.
no colony 1 was sept and i guess we're doing 2 a year is the aim, so by awp is the aim for 2...
ah yes, faultline not ellipsis, thank you for correct
lake effectz
Shit. My prayer for more books with anus in the title may be answered. Keep on with the fun.
Hey, no more goiter jokes. Although Ricky's Goiter might sell better than Ricky's Anus.
I don't know about there, but damn sunspots are fucking the internet here.
there we go, that's the money shot baby
I like clicking on everyone's name here. It's especially nice when there's a blog associated with the profile. So many people writing. Amazing. My RSS feeds are plumping.
Lake Motherfucking Effizzect.
Thanks for adding me to your list of writers. I am now officially real.
d00d sweets on the DFW, been trying to squeeze him into my freshman rhetoric class; i never read this article and i think i could prob make it applicable.
good good yes, you should indeed teach it to babies
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