DEAR EVERYBODY, as predicted, is already taking heads off around the nation.
There is also a new issue of Keyhole Magazine on the racks now, I read more than half of it this afternoon and really enjoyed it, they continue to do new things in a high quality burn em up fashion, things are moving,
The reading in Atlanta last night went really well, I couldn't have asked for more from a town pretty spare in the way of readings, we had a great turn out, thanks to everyone who came, and to the bands and Zach Plague and Todd Dills, who were both awesome to hang out with. I am working with some folks to make it a more regular thing very soon.
The reading of Sam Pink's play went down really well, big ass steak knives and all. The video turned out pretty good, it's going to take me a while to get around to uploading it, I will do it.
Umm, more to talk about therein quite soon.

There's also a new Games themed issue of Hobart on the way out which looks like it will be the best thing they've done yet, including work by friends Kim Chinquee, Barry Graham, Matt Bell, Jennifer Pieroni, Brandi Wells and many excellent others. They launched a bonus-features site to go along with the issue wherein I wrote an alternate ending for Barry's story about texas hold em, which was a lot of fun, you should buy the issue of read the story and all else.
There is a lot to read there, I really like Mike Alber's thing on playing Magic, i don't give a fuck what you say Magic is the best game ever created, i played it when i was very fat, I had to cash in my cards to be allowed to lose my weight
it makes risk look like a thing a granny could destroy with one scooch of her's v-v.
I feel like I can't focus today at all
I am done with beer for at least 3 weeks I promise myself
I used to say beer tasted like either piss or soy sauce
Now I know it can also taste like bad fruit juice or bad water
I promised myself I wouldn't say anything about babies today
How about kitties and titties instead
okay and babies
god magic was so good
god i want some cards and some nerds to come over and hang out
thanks, Blake. good times. i still have a couple decks from back in the day... we can totally play if you're ever in columbus, ohio.
clearly you haven't had good beer, but that's ok, you're like a lot of folks. it takes a lot of time and a lot of money to appreciate it.
(how's that for being a conceded douchebag?)
and, like me, it makes you fat after you spend a lot of time and a lot of money. and then you also get drunk and do really stupid things.
so i wish i was there concurring...
Just got my copy of No Colony today and started reading it. It's a great issue. Congratulations. Looking forward to the next one!
Blake it was great to meet you the other night. I have some pictures on my blog from the readings. Sadly I have none of the Sam Pink play. I can't wait to see the video.
can't we make a poetry system or something adapted from the world view of magic the gathering?
Magic cards are all over my apartment. I live in a nerd apartment. One of my housemates competes in Magic tournaments.
Just another reason for you to visit Massachusetts.
So these two guys were adrift, lost at sea, starving, dehydrating, when a genie appears and offers to grant one wish. One guy says I wish the ocean was made of beer. The other guy goes You idiot now we have to pee in the boat.
Just a little, you know, joke.
keith, good beer is like soft concrete
matt, definitely good to meet, we must do more
death-hustler, this would be the poetry system that ate the giant child
bradley, mass is coming for me
adam, i like that joke
I will slay your dachshund in poker. I am an addict.
i am thinking of maybe buying magic cards and playing.
Have you seen this?
that looks nice, i wannit
Send it or I will burn my neighbor's hatchet.
hey blake, i got my copy of no colony last week and it is amazing. i think brian evenson is amazing and if not for no colony i would have maybe never heard of him. so thank you.
sean, it be comin...
brandi, that is great to hear. you really should read everything evenson has ever written, it is all gold.
yes. evenson is gold. and i must reply whenever i see his name mentioned on a blog. read the open curtain. and his story in the new black clock. and his novella in unsaid. and everything else.
i so heart brian evenson...
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