Ran 3 miles came back to find my dad standing on the edge of the street, where they've been ripping sod up to widen the road. A ridge of mud and soil.
Dad says, "They brought these 4 big boxes for you. Big boxes." He measures it out. "Boy they were heavy as hell."
I went inside and took the box back to the room where I stayed when the hurricane hit my apartment, sopping wet with sweat. I took my clothes off and opened the box.

I looked at the books a couple minutes then wrapped in a towel and took one down the hall to my mom. She told me congratulations and opened it also. I went outside and jumped in the pool. I jumped in at a good angle and stayed under as long as I could.
Scorch Atlas will be in stores in September from Featherproof.
That looks great, Blake. I'm curious.
Fantastic design. Looking forward to reading it. Congrats!
wow wow wow!! can i have one!?!
This looks beautiful
Freakin awesome.
Did I read this wrong, or were you naked when you first saw your book? There seems something perfect about that but really only for you and Scorch Atlas, not other authors and their books.
Outstanding, Blake. Congrats.
Excellent . . .
Please tell me you put some clothes on before running downstairs to your mother.
Congratulations -- the cover is gorgeous.
thanks friendses
that book looks soooo good
fuck that is one handsome book. congratulatory words.
my excitement for this book is a five star rating on goodreads.
Cannot wait. My left leg is bouncing as I look at those pictures. Each book should come with a book of used matches.
Beautiful! I can't wait to get it.
Shit, man. Congratulations. Absolutely absolute. Is there any way to get a hold of this before September? Through you or Featherproof or anything? I don't know if I can wait that long. I mean, because I have brain cancer and am going to die before September. I'm kidding but I'm that excited.
more thankses to more friends
matthew, yes there are several sneaky ways
we will have them for sale on the dollar store tour if you are in any of these areas...
press copies are also abound if you think you might review it somewhere?
thanks friends, for real
Are you not coming to Chicago for the tour? Damn.
Do you have a gold box? I'll trade you my gold box for a copy of scorch atlas.
looking forward to the book (beautiful design by the way) and the dollarstore stop in philadelphia.
I want I want I want
Please pick me to win the contest, even if it isn't fair. Otherwise I will order the book for money out of spite.
congrats dude. people will like it
Holy shit that's ricockulous looking.
I can't wait to thumb it and strum it.
i really appreciate people saying nice
david, yeah, had to skip chicago, as it was 5 days before the next date, and i would have liked to just hang out in chicago for that long, but would have been hard... bummer
i will, though, surely have a chicago book release party later this year, i believe
Does your bitch ass ever come to Cleveland?
Cleveland is a dead-zone.
Visit us in Akron instead.
Those pages are the cash $$$ f'real.
thanks michael, i would like to come to cleveland or thereabouts sometime for sure
I can hardly wait. I've scorched my liver hands, in anticipation.
jesus. this looks fucking fantastic. looking forward to it.
Dat be wicked now.
fuck yeah
it looks really beautiful. congratulations!
thanks ja sean peter and kathy :)
Wow, man.
Seriously wow.
(and I'm a designer and all).
Looks great man, good read, looking forward.
remember when you were like--hey, i wonder can I have this look like the book's old and used, like an almanac from farmers in Medina County?
I looked at the books a couple minutes then wrapped in a towel and took one down the hall to my mom. She told me congratulations and opened it also. I went outside and jumped in the pool. I jumped in at a good angle and stayed under as long as I could.
simple black kameez design
black shalwar kameez for ladies
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