Monday, February 11, 2008


The new issue of LAMINATION COLONY is now live. Please enjoy.

It contains text work by Sam Pink, Louis E. Bourgeois, Sean Kilpatrick, Colin Bassett, Edith Dunham, Sam Oborne, Justin Dobbs, Catherine Lacey, John Dermot Woods, Mark Cunningham, Ryan Downey, Brian Foley and Peter Berghoef.

It contains parodies or 'creative criticism' of Michael Martone by Josh Maday, David Markson by William Walsh, David Foster Wallace by Jimmy Chen, Mike Topp by Chelsea Martin, Gordon Lish by Michael Hemmingson, William Burroughs by Bradley Sands, Russell Edson by Matthew Simmons, Dean Young by Claire Donato, Tao Lin by Justin Taylor and Lydia Davis by Tao Lin and Brandon Scott Gorrell.

It contains more 'longer' work than has ever been on the site. Lots to look at. A wide variety of stuff: a Gmail chat, a found letter, a Spam submission, a Wittgenstein form, an ebook, a prose poem cycle (or two), text messages with footnotes, a story with Ralph Fiennes in it, an essay with bibliography found in a bottle, an excerpt from a comic book novel, a text based on find/replace, and otherwise a bunch of fucked and excellent writing.

It also contains the first Lamination Colony ebook by Brandon Scott Gorrell: ALIENATED AFRAID OF FURNITURE IN BEDROOM, if you haven't heard yet.

It also contains a feature wherein contributors to the issue provided video or photographic representations of themselves preparing for quarantine. Included in these videos is Chelsea Martin putting on condoms and Jimmy Chen circling his nipples. Peter Berghoef's photos of teeth brushing greatly disturb me.

This issue is fat and full of life and has a lot of fun reading for your pleasure. I am very happy with it.

Please enjoy and tell me what you think.


Gene said...

i just decided that lamination colony is my favorite literary journal. fuck everyone else.


thank you gene. i am happy.

Kathryn said...

i loves it.

Kendra Grant Malone said...

A ++

Shane Jones said...

what a fun/great issue. well done.

sam pink said...

blake i have just decided that i agree with gene. i like that he seems angry. also, i have decided that you are an important person. i have also decided that i read the issue and felt satisfied, satisfied like i just cut off a weaker person's foot and watched them try to run away slipping all over and squeaking their exposed bones along the ground.

The Man Who Couldn't Blog said...

Nice issue. I'm particularly fond of my piece. I am a really good writer.

Ken Baumann said...

I like this issue very much.

You 'nailed it.'

I look forward to the next issue.

Also, I agree with Gene and Sam.

Tao Lin said...

good job

obama 3009


thank you persons.

matthew indeed.

p said...

I love brushing my teeth.

jereme said...

I have only read one half of the issue (roughly) and am pleased.

It is a feeling similar to when I would come home from school in 10th grade before my dad came home from work.

I would disrobe my pants and touch my penis until I shot my load in my father's alternate pair of work shoes.

It was a small victory and I would feel pleased after committing the act.

The first half of the issue was like that.

I imagine the second half will feel similar to when I would see my father wearing the soiled shoes a few days later.

It was a different but similar feeling as when I jerked off into his loafer.

Good job on the issue.


i couldnt hope for a better reaction than shoe ejaculate.